
Crowdpac: Does Kasich Stand a Chance at the Nomination?

Author: Crowdpac
Created: 17 March, 2016
Updated: 16 October, 2022
1 min read

Not long ago, following serial losses in primary contests across the country, Ohio Governor John Kasich was left for dead in the race for the GOP nomination. But now that Marco Rubio has pulled the plug on his campaign after a devastating loss in Florida to Donald Trump, Kasich has claimed the "establishment lane" for himself with a strong Ohio victory and a clean sweep of its winner-take-all delegates.

Regardless, Kasich's path to the nomination, and the Presidency for that matter, has always been performing well in his electorally crucial home state. And with no chance of winning the nomination outright in the remaining primary contests, he'll need all the home field advantage he can muster to claim the nomination when the RNC convention convenes in Cleveland.

We took a dive into the Governor's current and former donors to see what exactly they tell us about the GOP establishment's last best hope in the 2016 race.

Editor's note: This analysis originally published on Crowdpac's blog on March 16, 2016.

Photo Credit: Steve Lagreca / Shutterstock.com

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