
POTUS Candidates Mostly Mute on How They'll Govern in Divided Government

Created: 05 February, 2016
Updated: 16 October, 2022
2 min read

The primary season has begun. The field of candidates is dwindling faster now than it has over the past year. There have been numerous televised debates, town halls, campaign rallies, and news stories.

We have heard countless questions from moderators and from voters themselves. But in all this time, there has been one question that I have not heard asked that should be asked of every candidate that is running: How do they plan to govern with the other side?

It essentially doesn't matter which candidate wins the presidential election in November when it comes to this simple question. It all hinges on the Senate. Regardless if the winning candidate's party is in control of the chamber, the opposition will still have enough to invoke the filibuster. And there is the possibility that the opposition could be in control of the chamber as well. Neither side will have a filibuster-proof majority.

Partisan divisiveness has gotten worse in the past several years. We have seen what happens when neither side wants to work together and instead just point fingers. This goes for the halls of the Capitol and the two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

We need candidates that are willing to step up and acknowledge that in divided government it becomes necessary to govern with the other side and govern by that mentality. It cannot be an all-or-nothing approach. And it is up to us, the voters, to ensure this and to hold our elected officials accountable to it.

Presidential candidates will spout off promises and tell their voters what they want to hear. But when the dust settles, and we have a winner, then it's an entirely new situation. They must figure out what they have in common and work through their differences, keeping open communication the entire time.

A recent RCP poll average gives Congress a 14 percent approval rating. As we vote, we should remember that as well. We have repeatedly said that we are tired of brinkmanship and going from one crisis to another with only immediate fixes and not long-term solutions. The time has now come to elect candidates that can and will work together regardless of the ideological divide.

So how do the various candidates plan to govern with the other side? I guess we should start asking and find out.

Photo Credit: Carlos Yudica / shutterstock.com

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