
Mike Huckabee Says There Should be Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices

Created: 30 March, 2015
Updated: 15 October, 2022
1 min read
The LA Times reported Saturday that potential 2016 presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor

Mike Huckabee (R) advocates term limits for Supreme Court justices. Huckabee said the Founding Fathers "never intended to create lifetime, irrevocable posts."

""Nobody should be in an unelected position for life," the former Arkansas governor said in an interview, expanding upon remarks he made during an hourlong speech at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda.

"If the president who appoints them can only serve eight years, the person they appoint should never serve 40. That has never made sense to me; it defies that sense of public service," he said.

Such a move would require a constitutional amendment. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, two other potential 2016 candidates for the Republican nomination, have also backed court term limits." - LA Times, March 28, 2015.

Read the full article here.

Photo Credit: Brandon Bourdages / shutterstock.com

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