
Orman Takes Commanding Lead in Kansas Senate Race With or Without Taylor

Created: 16 September, 2014
Updated: 15 October, 2022
2 min read

While the legal battle in the Kansas Senate race continues to heat up, the outcome may not make a difference for incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts if polling trends continue. According to the latest Public Policy Polling survey, which previously showed independent candidate Greg Orman leading Roberts in a head-to-head contest, Orman has a 7-point lead with all candidates included.

Roberts is not the only one in trouble of losing his seat, however. Republican Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is trying to keep Democrat Chad Taylor in the Senate race, is in a statistical tie with Democrat Jean Schodorf -- leading by only one point with 15 percent of respondents saying they are not sure who they will vote for in the race.

This may be an indication that not only is Kobach's political maneuvering not working, it is backfiring.

Pollsters asked respondents to weigh in on the secretary of state's actions concerning the U.S. Senate race and only 26 percent said they approve of the way he has handled it. Sixty-three percent of respondents said Chad Taylor's name should be removed from the ballot.

With all 4 names included in the poll, including libertarian Randall Batson, 41 percent of respondents said they would vote for Orman if the election was held today. The voters who were splitting the anti-incumbent vote seem to be quickly responding to Taylor's desire to exit the race as Taylor is only polling at 6 percent.

In a head-to-head contest, Orman has a 10-point lead over Roberts, 46 percent to 36 percent.

The Kansas Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in the U.S. Senate case on Tuesday. Taylor is suing to get his name off the ballot after Kobach said he would remain on it because he did not properly verbalize why he would not be able to fulfill the duties of office -- a requirement Kobach argues is mandated by state law.

Photo Source: AP

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