David Walker Considers Run for Connecticut Lieutenant Governor

Created: 21 Mar, 2014
Updated: 14 Oct, 2022
2 min read

Former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker is no stranger to electoral efforts. Though he is not a career politician and has never run for office himself, the self-described “independent-minded, inclusive Republican” has been involved with a number of successful campaigns; he was one of the national co-founders of No Labels, served on the advisory committee to Americans Elect, and was also the focus of a presidential draft effort in 2012.

Now, after years of advocacy on behalf of voters of fiscal reform, Walker has formed an exploratory committee to assess the possibility of running for Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut.

“Connecticut is in terrible shape; it needs new leadership in order to turn it around,” said Walker. “I am a turnaround specialist with a proven track record of being able to bring people together to achieve positive results.”

Walker, a fiscal conservative and social moderate who recently embarked on the nationwide “$10 Million a Minute Bus Tour” to re-open the discussion about America’s economic well-being, is testing the waters to see how the GOP would respond to his candidacy. So far, it seems to be going well.
“My message is being received very favorably; the general reaction is that I am by far the best-qualified person in the lieutenant governor race.”

In an age of hyper-partisanship, where Republicans and Democrats are rigidly defining terms, and politicians are unable (or unwilling) to work across their partisan lines, Walker believes he represents an experienced, committed alternative to politics as usual. Despite being a Republican, he knows how to work alongside Democrats, having served as comptroller during the Clinton era. He can appeal to the unaffiliated voter, drawing upon from his work with No Labels and appearances alongside anti-debt advocate Ross Perot.

“I have a proven track record of being able to attract independents, reform-minded Democrats and Republicans,” he said. “That’s what it’s going to take to win statewide in Connecticut.”

Though Walker will not make an official decision regarding whether or not to run until the end of March (his public announcement would come in April), he believes he is best suited to serve in that role and urges Republicans to consider supporting him regardless of who they cast their ballot for in the gubernatorial primary.

“We have a number of qualified people running for governor," Walked said. “I believe I can be a very strong partner for the next governor to try and help turn around this state and create a comeback in Connecticut.”

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