This Week on IVN: The Next Four Years

Author: Chad Peace
Created: 05 Nov, 2012
Updated: 21 Nov, 2022
2 min read
On Tuesday, more than just the presidency will be determined. From school boards to assemblymembers, we have the chance to shape the future of our representation.There is no other office that can effect the general sentiment and political discourse than a presidential election season. Join us at IVN all week where we discuss what the 2012 presidential election means for the next four years.
2012 General Election Coverage for Independent Voters

IVN Election Center

Part of IVN’s ongoing mission is to bring you coverage of national elections and the impact that independent voters have nationwide. Continuing with that promise to bring you unfiltered news from across the political spectrum, IVN proudly provides an Election Center specifically built for independent-minded voters.

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From Around the Network

Find Your Candidates

Find Your Candidates

Find the candidates and issues on your ballot. If you are in California, we have an entire proposition center with a non-partisan breakdown of every issues including the money behind each measure and even the competing twitter feeds.

Facebook Application announces the launch of the Drop Your Party Facebook App on Facebook to show Washington, DC where partisanship is not going to work anymore.With Congressional approval ratings hovering around 10 percent, it’s time we move past party labels and start electing those who are dedicated to developing lasting solutions, regardless of party affiliation. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, and everyone else is invited to ‘Drop Your Pin’ on the map of voters committed to independent-minded voting.
Profile of Bianca Ciotti

Contributor of the Week:Bianca Ciotti

Bianca is a senior at the University of Maryland pursuing a degree in American Studies. She is writing her senior thesis on the effects of the internet on presidential campaigns.Notable Posts:-Forecast: Who Will Run for California Governor in 2014?-Immigrant Integration Conference Addresses Struggles, Hopes-An Interview With Sobhani, Independent Candidate for Senate-Independent Voters Could Determine Indiana Senate Race

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