California Republican Party Headed for Third Party Status
By all accounts California is a Democratic State. But, from Reagan, to Wilson, to the Governator, its had its fair share of Republican leaders. San Diego, the Central Valley, and most of the Northern region are traditionally Republican strongholds as well. But the trend in voter registrations must be troubling for the California Republican Party.
With 43.66% of California voters registered as Democrats, the number of Californians registered Republican dropped to 29.36%. The gap is almost twice that of the next leading group of voters; voters that actively register with no party preference is at 21%. Combine these statistics with the reality that more voters self-identify as independent voters, regardless of their registration, and the Republican Party should be concerned. But consider that the most recent statistics from the over half million Californian's who registered to vote online this year, and the California Republican Party should be downright worried.