Gary Johnson Twitter Passes 100,00 Followers
Most politicos were watching President Obama's speech today in Nashua, New Hampshire, where he hit on a his main theme of "moving forward." Elsewhere, third party candidates like Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are looking forward to debating in Washington D.C. on October 30th, where they will focus on moving away from the two-party controlled political discussion.
Check Out Jane's Twitter Battleground SeriesA common trope after the final mainstream Presidential debate was that it wasn't much of a debate. The two candidates essentially agreed on all major issues, from intervention in Afghanistan, the need to protect Israel, and putting increased sanctions on Iran. From ending the war on drugs, to ending the wars oversees, many voters have turned to third party candidates for alternative perspectives.
Gary Johnson is perhaps the most popular "online candidate" since Ron Paul, and undoubtably draws many of the Congressman's supporters. And with over 300,000 Facebook Likes, over 1,000,000 Google+ followers, and as of today, over 100,000 Twitter followers, Gary Johnson could be laying the groundwork to make a significant impact on the political conversation for a long-time to come.
Politics and technology are at an interesting cross-roads. The big number of reliable votes are still made by the folks sitting in a reclining chair with a remote control in their hand, but it won't be long until those who grew up with Facbeook and Twitter start to really change the playing field.
Gary Johnson Twitter