Facebook and CNN launch Social Voting App

Created: 23 Aug, 2012
Updated: 21 Nov, 2022
1 min read

Yesterday, Facebook teamed up with CNN to launch their social voting app, "I'm Voting", urging voters to commit their vote on the social media website. Because of the social aspect of Facebook, the application will allow users to share their vote with their friends on the network, greatly expanding its reach. The app features three political leanings, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, asking users to select their political affiliation. The results are then displayed on an interactive map, providing data on voting patterns and political tendencies based on location. The app also features candidates, allowing users to openly endorse candidates for the November election.

While sharing is optional,  because of its social components, Facebook and CNN hope the use of social media will encourage and increase voter turnout.

In a note on the U.S. Politics on Facebook page announcing the debut of the social voting app, the social network concludes:

With Election Day right around the corner, it’s time for everyone to get involved, understand the issues, and make a commitment to participate. We believe that the power of friends – the social dynamic that creates a societal impact -- will result in a more involved citizenry that turns out on Election Day, informed about the most critical issues facing the nation.

Featuring issues such as the economy, immigration, health care, same-sex marriage, and gun control, the social voting app will be able to analyze voter sentiment going into the election.

As of now, around 2,600 people have pledged their vote, a number that is sure to rise as the app gains media attention and spreads across the social network.

Would you be willing to share your political tendencies and leanings on Facebook? How will the social aspect of voting change the 2012 election? 

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