Who's an Independent? Part Two: Independent Governors
Angus King, former independent governor of Maine in 1994 and 1998 is running for senate as an independent in November. King has gotten a lot of media atention so far, what other independent governors are we overlooking?
Illinois Maine Minnesota Oregon Rhode Island and Texas have all had formally elected independent governors.
In 1974, Illinois elected its first two governors, Shadrach Bond and Edward Coles, both independents.
Besides Angus King, Maine elected independent James B Longley in 1974.
Jesse Ventura of Minnesota ran as a member of the Reform Party, which later reverted back to their original tittle, the Independence Part of Minnesota.
Oregon elected Julius Meier, an independent Governor all the way back in 1930 and Rhode Island elected an independent govenor most recently in 2010, Lincoln Chafee.
Texas takes the cake for oldest elected independent governor- Sam Houston (last name sound familiar?) was elected in 1859, unafiliated with any party.