
Higgs Boson Too Mainstream for Hipsters?

Created: 06 July, 2012
Updated: 21 November, 2022
1 min read

It's been a monumental week for physicists, who have found the "strongest indication to date" to prove the existence of the Higgs boson particle, or the "God particle."

And while scientists around the world celebrate the discovery, most people are unaware of the implications, that is, if they even know what the Higgs boson particle is to begin with.

Motherboard TV went to the streets of Williamsburg to interview hipsters on their knowledge of the Higgs boson, most of which had never heard of it. Maybe the discovery was just too mainstream...


Some totally non-cliche responses included:

"When you said Higgs, I immediately thought of a hick.""Sounds like a band, like a metal band or something.""Sounds like a concert venue.""Sounds like magic.""A creepy European man."

Two people correctly identified the Higgs boson particle as the "God particle," one of which wrote a poem about it, and the other a self-identified "nerd."

Still confused about the Higgs Boson? Read This.