
Top 12 Tweets From The Ohio Speech Showdown

Author: Lauren Moore
Created: 14 June, 2012
Updated: 13 October, 2022
2 min read

Today in the swing state of Ohio, Mitt Romney and President Obama scheduled competing economic speeches at the same time. Gov. Romney’s speech, which lasted 18 minutes, started a little early to make room for President Obama’s 54-minute remarks. As an audience we were pleased to catch both presidential hopefuls campaign speeches and this is definitely underscored by the tweets we managed to come across. Here are the top twelve funny comments we dug up.


Romney on Pearl Harbor vet: "His eyes locked on the pilot bringing armament, bringing bombardment..." Who the hell talks like this?— Charles Johnson (@Lizardoid) June 14, 2012


RT @WestWingReport: Waiting for jokesters to take Obama speech entirely out of context & mention how he said "you should vote for Romney"— Touré (@Toure) June 14, 2012


Let's Get Together:While in town, Obama should challenge Romney to a sing-off at the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame.— Greg Mitchell (@GregMitch) June 14, 2012



RT @samyoungman: "Guess how many trade agreements our president's negotiated. None. None." Romney. None must be Latin for three— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) June 14, 2012


DEVELOPING: Obama promises more gaffes to stimulate the vital "lazy political pundit" sector of the economy.— daveweigel (@daveweigel) June 14, 2012


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Obama: "Let's be clear." DRINK!— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) June 14, 2012


Breaking: We have two parties with broad, historically well-defined differences not redefined by campaign speeches.— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) June 14, 2012


Obama should close this speech by condemning LeBron's move to Miami.It could win him Ohio.— The Fix (@TheFix) June 14, 2012


Now, everyone text which economic plan you prefer and Ryan Seacrest will announce the results tomorrow night.— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) June 14, 2012


Another four years of sacrifice? Killer message, chief. #Obama— Jon G. (@ExJon) June 14, 2012


This is Mitt Flip-Flop Romney talking in Ohio today: "What [Obama] says and what he does are not always the exact same thing."— Gary Peterson (@garypeterson) June 14, 2012



#ObamaSpeechIn4Words It is Bush's fault— Snarky Basterd (@Snarky_Basterd) June 14, 2012