No Labels Promotes Citizen Involvement During New York Meeting

Created: 16 Jan, 2013
Updated: 13 Oct, 2022
2 min read


Credit: No Labels

Photo: No Labels

The simple, common sense approach to reform in Washington, proposed by No Labels, was highlighted during the group's re-launch in New York City on Monday. The Meeting to Make America Work brought together more than 1,300 voters, politicians, and activists who believe it's time for Congress to stop fighting and start fixing.

No Labels supports a number of key proposals centered around changing the way Congress functions. These ideas include instituting a five-day congressional work week, a measure titled 'No Budget, No Pay,' which would freeze congressional paychecks until a national budget is passed, and a bi-partisan seating arrangement during sessions.

Twenty-four members of Congress have already signed on to be No Labels 'problem solvers,' meeting monthly to discuss bi-partisan issues.

"This is about problem solving. The time is now to light the fire under Washington," said Gov. Jon Huntsman, one of No Labels' national leaders.

The day not only focused on how congressional leaders can join the No Labels' effort, but how citizens, frustrated with partisan gridlock, can make their voices heard.

Ten members of the No Labels congressional bloc spoke about the reasons behind their involvement with the group. Most, if not all, said it began with their constituents constantly begging for an end to gridlock on Capitol Hill. They want results and outcomes, not fighting and partisan riffs.

Those types of outcries among citizens are happening all around the country and No Labels just may be the group to solve these types of problems.

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No Labels' other national leader, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) echoed that belief by telling the packed room, "Go up to your representative and ask them why they aren't involved with No Labels".

Speakers throughout the day encouraged citizens to write to their representatives in Congress requesting they sign on to become a No Labels problem solver. Co-founders of the group also encouraged supporters to spread the word through letters to the editor, social media, and by word of mouth.

At the moment, Americans are politically drained. From a long, drawn out election season, to the edge of the fiscal cliff, to petty partisan fighting, there is a lot of frustration towards the government. This is where the simple, yet powerful messages of No Labels may just find its success.

No Labels' proposals don't consist of heavy policy topics or unclear jargon. They are basic, everyday measures to make our government more effective and responsive.

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