Linda Parks Tops IVN Survey of Independent Voters in CD-26

The results are in for the IVN Independent Voter Survey in California’s 26th Congressional District.
Over a thousand voters participated in the first of its kind demonstration project. The election was by secret ballot, conducted by Everyone Counts, the international leader in online election technology.
Voters received a unique ID assuring that they could only cast one vote in the survey. All candidates were informed of the Survey by email and registered mail in advance of the election.
This is not a scientific survey and therefore not necessarily indicative of the June 5th election day outcome in which the two highest vote getters will move on to the November General Election.
Voters in the shared territory with the 19th State Senate were also asked to pick amongst the candidates in that race.
Results for the State Senate District are only from portions of the district falling within the 26th.
The Survey is part of a larger voter education program funded by the Independent Voter Project (sponsors of designed to increase awareness of the upcoming Open Primary election in which all voters, including independents, can vote for any candidate regardless of political party preference, with the top two moving on to the November election.
Percentages were rounded to the nearest whole number.
Linda Parks 41%
Tony Strickland 26%
Julia Brownley 15%
David Cruz Thayne 9%
Jess Herrera 5%
Albert Goldberg 4%
Hannah-Beth Jackson 45%
Mike Stoker 41%
Jason Hodge 14%