Steele on Electoral Reform - Part 13: Overview of the Ethics

One of the most heartening aspects of my connecting electoral reform to Occupy and then via YouTube to the Reddit community, has been opportunity to meet pioneers who have been dedicated to this matter much longer than I have, and who have made contributions of such depth and persistence as to merit our huge appreciation.
Eva Waskell is one of those pioneers. She has, with others, been focused on the integrity of elections for over a decade.
The International Election Integrity Principles are outlined in both full-text and two-page document form with a memorable short URL of
Today we are seeing very significant electoral fraud within the Republican primaries, as the Republican mandarins try desperately to hold back the Ron Paul Tsunami and keep the prospects for a deliberately dead-locked convention alive. I speculate that Jeb Bush will be the "surprise" nominee, and that Ron Paul will die in a traffic or general aviation accident at some point if he begins to call them out on the fraud (he has not, yet).
Here are the eleven Election Integrity Principles, each with its own paragraph of explanation in the document:
01 Transparency
02 Chain of Custody
03 Observer Access
04 Checks & Balances
05 Enforcement of Election Laws
06 Right to a Paper Ballot / No Secret Software
07 Right to Poll and Protection of Poll Workers
08 Right to Photograph and Videotape
09 Right to Full Education & Full Disclosure
10 Right to Full Disclosure of Assumptions Underlying any Calculations or Numbers
11 Right to Review Raw Data at Point of Origin
The eleven elements of Electoral Reform are a completely distinct set of requirements, and will be addressed in the remaining contributions in this series.
To learn more about Eva Waskell, see these two references.
Robert Steele: In Praise of Eva Waskell & New Book by Gordon Cook, “The Privatization of Democracy”
Previous: Part 12: The Stakeholders
Next: Part 14: Overview of The Action Plan (Coming Soon)
Full Series:
Part 11: Constitutional Amendment
Part 14: Overview of The Action Plan (Coming Soon)
Part 15: The Pledge (Coming Soon)
Part 16: The Statement of Demand (Coming Soon)