
15 States That Use Term Limits on Their Lawmakers

Created: 31 October, 2019
Updated: 15 August, 2022
1 min read

Term limits are arguably the most popular political reform in the US. McLaughlin and Associates found in February 2018 that 82% of US voters support term limits for Congress, including 89% of Republicans, 76% of Democrats, and 83% of Independents.

Most states -- 36 to the exact -- impose some type of term limits on their governor, much like there is a 2-term limit for president. However, on the legislative side, the number is significantly diminished. While 21 states have passed term limits for their respective legislature at one point or another, only 15 currently use them.

Here are those states:


In 1992, Arizona voters overwhelmingly approved term limits on state legislators with 74.2% of the vote. State legislators can serve up to 8 years in each chamber. However, the 8 years is not a lifetime total. Politicians can serve up to the limit in one chamber, seek election in the other chamber, and serve another 8 years.

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